RRAP Music Museum and Hub

is Jaipur Virasat Foundation’s first step towards actualizing its RRAP vision. Our newly opened museum showcases the past, present and future of our living musical Rajasthani traditions. Visitors can witness the words and sounds passed through generations of our rural communities, meet the musicians still playing today, and see their remarkable handmade instruments expertly crafted from traditional knowledge.

The RRAP Music Museum is dedicated to promoting, disseminating, conserving, and repositioning the folk music traditions of Rajasthan. Centre stage are the rural musicians and musician communities of the region. Through exhibitions, outreach programs, residencies, workshops, and diverse events, the museum provides visitors with a gateway to the many different folk music cultures of Rajasthan for our new emerging India.

Wednesday - Monday: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Extended hours on Saturday till 8:00 pm

RRAP Music Museum & Hub
Krishan Niwas, G-15
Krishna Marg, C-scheme
Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302001